Daniel Family Adoption Journey

Daniel Family Adoption Journey

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Learning from our daughter

"When a child walks down the road, a company of angels goes before him proclaiming 'Make way for the image of the Holy One' " - A Hasidic saying from the book Their Name is Today.

Our daughter is such a blessing and is teaching us so much about faith and love. She so easily and willingly is giving her heart to us. She has the kindest spirit and you can see the joy she has in her smile which is almost always on her face. 

In our preparing for our adoption we have read many books on the "issues" many adoptive kids have. Some include being emotionally unavailable, behavior issues, etc. So we were always prepared and were expecting these things. But God has been so good in preparing her heart and knitting our hearts together.  We have encountered none of these things with her on this bonding trip. She has been sharing things with is about her life and past hurts that I/we never even knew if would be able to get her to talk about and she is openly talking about this stuff with us. It amazes me how readily she is to share her heart. We have had a couple of hard cries with her about how much she has been hurt in her life so far and it wrenches my heart to see her have such sadness in her but also shows me how resilient she is that she can still be full of joy and so forgiving of her past. This girl is a fighter and is going to do BIG things in her life.

We can clearly see how her resiliency has come from the love and care Chances for Children has shown her.  It is not fair that the term orphans exist, it is not fair the suffering these kids have endured at an age when they can't defend themselves. But I know that it is OUR job to step in and right these wrongs. In Isaiah 1:17 the bible says "help the oppressed.Defend the cause of orphans". We are in no uncertain terms called to care for and defend the orphan.  We got to spend time with the head of child sponsorship for C4C and she shared that in order to be full funded they need to have 336 sponsors, they currently have 170! You can help, you can sponsor a child at www.chances4children.org or get in touch with me and I'll get you pointed in the right direction. Or come visit on a missions trip. The below picture looks all fun and games, but literally it is like this every day with kids fighting to get some lap time and they thrive when they get one on one attention. Can you come and be that lap for a child to sit on? Ask me how.

So to clarify for everyone she is not coming home with us on this trip.....which again tears my heart open as it is now impossible to imagine our family without her and I feel like us leaving will be yet another pain she has to endure.  We are flying out this Friday and we have not told her yet as at any mention of us leaving she gets so sad. 

Today is our IBESR social worker interview, which is one of the final steps for the Haiti side of this adoption, then we will move on to the American side of things which typically takes another six months, but there are rumors right now that I don't like to hear saying it will take longer than that. I am shutting those rumors out and expecting God to show off His power and move these things along quickly. This summer is my Godly goal!

However, I have to admit I've been contemplating drilling breathing holes in my suitcase and sneaking her home now, it seems like the only rational thing to do😉.

Please keep our interview today and our goodbyes on Friday in your prayers. 

To God be the glory.

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