So as I am flying home I am reflecting on the whole trip, and I continue to be heart broken for the deep sadness that is masked in the creche by the kids there with their playfulness with each other and the laughter you hear. But throughout each day the moments come, you see the pain emerge in their eyes, a trigger, each and every child at the creche you will see it. They instinctly know they need a mommy....and it so ironic that every female visitor they call mommy and at all times there will be a little one at your feet, arms up, hoping you will pick them up and give them some love, "mommy,mommy" they say.
I am self conscious about my body, lots of women are, I know this, but it's a struggle I don't let others see, but it's there. But on this trip, I found myself not only losing this part of me and not caring, but actually feeling myself happy that I am "a little squishy". You see, these little ones, no matter how small, know they need a mommy. Ed, Claire, and I were all ready and willing to hold the little ones at anytime, but we all noticed they would fight the most for me....and I kept clearly hearing that these kids need that soft, squishy, mommy type of cuddling. They would tolerate Ed and Claire's lap, but they wanted mine. Every child there, no matter how active, once they got a spot on my lap would stay there perfectly content for as long as I let them. So many of them would drift off to sleep and I would wonder how few of times in this child's life have they actually been held as they drift off and the contradiction of how many times our children stateside have gotten this luxury, to the point that they don't know it is a gift. Part of our adoption process is this two week bonding trip and I knew the Lord had us here for this time not just for our daughter, but to be that mommy for those other kids whose mommies can't be there or who don't have one....Yet.
There was one boy in particular, for privacy I can't say his name, so I'll call him "A". "A" is the wild one, who was always climbing the thing he shouldn't climb, jumping off the highest point he could get to, always doing something he wasn't supposed to do. I've seen those kids before, and usually those types will never settle down in your lap, but I kept hearing the spirit say "A" needs to be held the most, make room on your lap for "A", and every time I did, that whirlwind kid would nestle into me so close and his hand would always grab tight to any part of me, like he had to hold tight so he wouldn't lose this "mommy moment". Everytime it left me awe and also broken hearted that such an energetic kid would have such a huge need to be held that he could restrain all his energy to be held. In these moments such great joy I would feel knowing the Lord let me hold one of His babies, let me be part of this, let me be that mommy for an hour to "A" and the other little ones.
I had some great time with Kathi, the director of C4C, and was asking about their needs, and she said there greatest need is to have people come and just hold babies, love on them, interact with them, bring them a toy, as being in this environment is the toughest on the babies and toddlers. The older kids have each other and school, it's not the best situation, but they have something, the little ones need a mommy right now, even for an hour. I keep thinking of all the squishy mommies I know and how blessed each of those mommies would be to get to love on these kids.
Deuteronomy 24:19-22
When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the alien, the fatherless and the widow, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. When you beat the olives from your trees, do not go over the branches a second time. Leave what remains for the alien, the fatherless and the widow. When you harvest the grapes in your vinyard, do not go over the vines again. Leave what remains for the alien, the fatherless and the widow. Remember that you were slaves in Egypt. That is why I command you to do this.
We are all so blessed with leftover "grapes from our vinyard", we have so much extra love we can give as we have been so greatly loved ourselves. There is a need, I have seen it, I have experienced it, and for "A", I met it. Can you go and meet an orphans need? Ask me how if you're interested.