Daniel Family Adoption Journey

Daniel Family Adoption Journey

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Possible news....possibly?

Well, we believe we have possible news and it looks like things are really starting to gain speed on the Haiti adoption front.   Since February of this year we have been in a LONG wait, just waiting for news.  Many times we hear rumors of news and become very hopeful the rumor will turn into actual news for us, most of the time it hasn't.  However, we believe we may really have some positive news and movement soon...hopefully, as in tomorrow.   Unfortunately due to the some of the rules governing adoption we can't share actual details.  But what I will say is that we covet prayers tomorrow on October 23rd as we believe a big step in our adoption might be occurring.  Coincidentally, this is my birthday and I couldn't think of a better birthday gift then to get confirmation of a next step being completed in our adoption!  GODdly enough (did you see what I did there) every single BIG step in our adoption process has landed on one of our birthdays. I wish the adoption process could be more transparent and we could share all these steps that have occurred on birthdays, and some day when we are at the end of this we will be, but for now, I will just say that it would be so appropriate with our adoption for this big news to occur tomorrow.

We are so anxious to finally bring our sweet girl home and I am really feeling like we are entering the home stretch. Every time we do something fun as a family I find myself daydreaming and adding our 4th family member into the scene and imagining what it will look like when she is home.   Two years is such a long time to be anxiously dreaming and imagining this child in your life.  It also is an even longer time for her who is spending her every day waiting in a creche.  It breaks my heart to think of the years and years that she has spent outside the love and care of a family dedicated to her. But I/we trust in a GREAT Jesus who can restore all things and know that He will create good from all of this!

On another note, we have been so blessed to have two of our church families going through this adoption journey with us.   I think it is going to be huge for all of our kiddo's to have this connection to each other when they finally come home, as they are already family to each other and will have this bond that will forever connect them. One of these families is Josh and Kim Phanco, and they are literally running the race of adoption.   Josh is preparing to run a marathon and through this adventure is raising money to help fund their adoption.  You can read about it here Adoption is a Marathon .  International adoption is expensive, there really is no two ways around it.   But it also is an amazing opportunity for others to get involved in something that is greater, part of God's calling for us to care for the orphan.  If you feel called to help the orphan one of the many ways you can help is help another family in the financial cost of adoption.  If you feel led to help the Phanco's you can go to Eternal Family Program and donate to their adoption (add Josh and Kim Phanco as designated family).   I know for us the assistance of our friends and family in this adoption journey has made what was an unattainable goal become attainable and we are so grateful to those who have come along side us.

I hope to have another post very soon telling you we have news!  Stay tuned.......